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COLOSSUS_Departure [Book 2] Page 8
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“And since it will take a while to get to Colossus, how about you start briefing us on just what you’ve been up too?” Colonel Hammer said.
Chapter 17
Perseus and her crew were finally able to get around the monster storm and Captain Sokolov put the Battlecruiser back on a heading that would take them back to the area they were scanning just prior to noticing the storm.
When they had flown to around forty miles from their original heading, the surface changed to desert. Miles and miles of sand but oddly enough there were house size boulders strewn about and they looked out of place.
A minute later they came upon a two-mile-wide crater in the sand. It was an impact crater and Major Hoser suggested it didn’t look that old. He estimated it was probably no more than 50,000 years old. Prior to enlisting in the military, Hoser had been studying to be a geologists, and as a freshman in college, had the opportunity to work in the field with renowned geologists.
One summer he and a few other freshman went on trips all around Earth studying impact craters and he excelled in determining the craters ages. But during his sophomore year the Mountain War broke out and he set his education aside and joined the military.
As they flew over the crater, Hoser said, “I’ll bet you those boulders were once inside that impact crater. Must have been one hell of a fireworks show whenever it hit. I’m thinking that whatever made the crater might have come from the asteroid field we noted between the gas giants and the rocky planets.”
Captain Sokolov thought on that and made a movement with his head as to say it could very well be possible. He also thought if what the Major is saying is true then living on this planet might not be too dissimilar to the threat of asteroid impacts that always plagued us on Earth.
The desert ended abruptly and they saw the end to the large canyon they had flown over prior to their sighting of the approaching storm. Sokolov turned the Perseus back to a northerly heading and another grassland began, only the grass was much shorter than the first one the Perseus had come upon and it ran to the horizon to the east.
The newly found second grassland would make the Serengeti look like a patch of grass. Not only was there grass, but large herds of grazing animals, but unlike the animals of the Serengeti, they were not wildebeest, impala or zebras.
They were all the same species and were a little smaller than an elephant and had long twisted horns nearly two feet long on their heads. They had no tails and were reddish-orange and black striped animals.
The Perseus and her crew flew nearly two hundred miles further north before they saw another mountain range that ran east and west. The mountain peaks were covered with a deep layer of snow. The entire time the Perseus had scanned the new planet their sensors hadn’t shown any signs of intelligent life, only birds and a variety of surface-bound animals.
As they flew closer to the mountain range they started seeing freshwater lakes and there were many of them lined up one after another, about five miles apart, and ran along the base of the mountains.
Every lake had large streams of running water from the mountains feeding into them and it was a beautiful sight to behold. Captain Teasor spoke: Admiral Allen may be right fellows. This place could be our new home.”
Chapter 18
The Striker had made it back to Colossus and only Commodore Jeeves was present in Admiral Allen’s Ready Room. When told by Allen he wanted to be debriefed by Jeeves alone, Captain Slain and Colonel Hammer both thought the Commodore’s butt was going to be getting a severe ass chewing, which was only partially true.
While Allen and Jeeves were having their talk, Vice Admiral Petrov had ordered an end to the scanning by Perseus and her crew and said they needed to return to Colossus. Allen told Petrov before going to his meeting with the Commodore, to order the Battlecruiser back so he and his executive staff could view the recording of the planet taken by Perseus.
With his ass still on his body, Commodore Jeeves survived the butt reaming from his commander and was now expressing his excitement over his discovery of the Putu and Bapi aliens living between the first and second canopy of the massive forest on Commodore’s Moon.
“So, you’ve named it Commodore’s Moon, have you? I like the sound of that, and you also named a lake too. I would like to ask your opinion of whether we should take an exploratory group down to meet your newly discovered alien friends,” Allen said.
“Actually, Admiral, I don’t think that would be a very good idea.”
“And why not?”
“Though it is true that they are intelligent, they are what I would call of a simple intelligence, sir. What I mean is, we couldn’t offer much to their race as they are not technologically advanced. They hunt, feed their families, and make more families. We would do them no favors by confusing their knowledge of life. Even though there is one Putu that seems to be entirely seasoned in his life and does possess more knowledge about life beyond his home.”
“Who is this Putu?”
“The Putu call him Father Pappa. He is their overlord, king, ruler, all wrapped into one. During our only conversation, he said he knew I came to his world by way of the stars. I didn’t have a chance to ask him how he knew about the stars before I left.”
“They sound like a wonderful species, Commodore. Maybe one of these days you and I could pay Father Pappa a visit.”
“I’d like that, sir.”
“Before I let you go, I should inform you that I have a very good feeling about this blue-green planet we have been scanning. We have not encountered any negative deterrents that would keep us from beginning the colonization of the planet. And before you say it we will be spending some time studying it before we actually begin the colonization. But the people on this ship need to get off Colossus for a while and I plan on letting them do just that.”
“Waiting before performing a full action plan to colonize, I agree that it is wise to learn more about the planet’s surroundings in the Kaptin’s System. We need to analyze the recordings from Perseus’s scans and proceed at a snail’s pace in our review and final decision to colonize.”
“I have other things to attend to now, Commodore. So if you will excuse me,” Allen said.
“Before I go, Admiral. I have a special request.”
“Go on.”
“As I had informed you about the creature the Putu calls the Evil Eater, I cannot in good conscience allow, or we cannot allow such a creature to continue eating the Putu young, sir.”
“Put it to rest, Commodore. I assure you we will do all we can to rid the Putu and Bapi of such a terrible alien creature.”
When Captain Sokolov and his crew returned to the hangar bay in Colossus, Admiral Allen ordered them to take a few hours off before their debriefing, which was a welcomed idea, for they had been scanning for more than ten hours.
The next morning all pertinent personnel had been given orders to participate in the debriefing with the two admirals. Admiral Allen’s executive staff was at the meeting, including General Dubois, Dr. Stavens, Dr. Piner and Commander Gavin McManus, Chief Engineer.
Every member of the executive staff had been privy to the rumor mill and had bits and pieces of information about the planet being Humankind’s new home. They were all in a fairly upbeat and cheery mood.
Being on a ship the size of Colossus meant many of the admiral’s staff don’t get to see one another as often as some may think. So with them, all together in one place, was before their Commander's arrival, a special social gathering.
They were having conversations while either sitting or standing while having their morning coffee or juices. There was even some laughter on occasion but it all stopped when Allen and Petrov came into the cabin of Room Forward.
Those that were sitting, stood up, and those that had been standing, hurried to their seats and remained standing while the two admirals took places at the long conference table. Once seated, Allen said, “Please, take your seats.”
��Good morning everyone.” Everybody returned Allen’s comment with their own salutation.
“Hopefully this is the very kind of meeting we have all wondered when, and if would come. I’m thrilled as your commander to tell you this might possibly be the meeting we have all privately prayed for.” Hearing that put smiles on every face with the exception of Captain Sokolov, as he wasn’t known to be an overly cheerful person.
“On our agenda, this morning is the briefing from our own Commodore Jeeves. He will be enlightening us on the discoveries he made while on Commodore's Moon.”
Several smiled at hearing the name of the moon as the Commodore’s and were anxious to hear about his findings. As Jeeves began talking about his time on the moon, Colonel Hammer, as well as Dr. Piner, who was sitting next to him, noticed what they thought was a sense of pride about him.
Whispering, Hammer said, “I didn’t think it possible, Doctor, but am I the only one that thinks the bright-haired Science Officer looks like a proud papa while talking about his Putu?”
“No, Colonel, you aren’t alone in your analysis. You know he does have the capability to not only show emotions but can actually feel them as well. The longer he functions, the more he will come to understand all the different emotions we Humans feel.”
When he had finished his briefing, he was asked by a couple officers if there would be the possibility of them visiting Commodore’s Moon. When told no, that brought a few more questions, mostly why not.
That’s when Admiral Allen took over for the proud papa and answered for him. “Don’t be upset as I was told no too. As Colossus’s Science Officer, it is Commodore Jeeves’s opinion that an influx of Humans into their simple world would upset them. That analysis is good enough for your commander so it will have to be good enough for the rest of you.
“Thank you for the briefing, Commodore. Please be seated. Now it is time for some great news for all of you and the entirety of every living soul on Colossus. Percentages are high that the planet just below us could be our new home.”
Allen turned to Captain Sokolov and asked if his recording of the scans were ready. Sokolov said it was loaded and ready. Allen asked for the lights to be dimmed and then asked for the recording to start playing.
Even before the staff had viewed a third of the recording, Admiral Allen’s comlink chirped. The call was from Lieutenant Gordo McManus, who was left to command Colossus while all of his superiors were in Room Forward.
Everyone in the room heard Gordo’s conversation with Allen as it was taking place. “Admiral, I have twelve contacts that just came out of hyperspace and they are positioned only a mile from us, sir.”
“Who or what are they, Lieutenant?”
“They are Daakie vessels. Four Zurguts and eight transports, sir. We are being hailed by a Burseq Maalik, Admiral, and he says it is an emergency.”
“I’ll be right there, Gordo. This meeting is adjourned for now. Everyone back to their respective areas.”
“Admiral, General, Colonel, and you, Commodore, are with me.”
Chapter 19
The five men walked out of Room Forward and quickly stepped into Command Central. Gordo removed himself from the admiral’s chair and made his way back to his station of control of the ships helm as Vice Admiral Petrov took his chair.
“On screen, Lieutenant,” Allen ordered.
Maalik’s face appeared on the screen and his normal stoic self-was anything but.
“General Maalik, to what do we owe the pleasure of seeing our Daakie friend?”
“Our homeworld has been decimated by an enormous invasion of Hive nests, Admiral. We are the only members of flight operational ships to have survived their attack.”
“Please come aboard, General. I must hear about this dreadful news. I’ll be standing at the ready to receive you.”
The image of Maalik disappeared from the view screen and Admiral Allen immediately ordered the Colossus to be put on a Yellow Alert. Less than thirty seconds after giving the order, Burseq Maalik appeared in Command Central but he wasn’t alone. Prince Gorvik teleported along with his commanding general. Allen’s first thought was, where is King Gaakin and Caid Tikit?
Admiral Allen gently grabbed Maalik’s arm and said, “Please, would you and Prince Gorvik follow me to my Ready Room?”
Allen motioned for General Dubois to come with them. Hammer was irritated that he wasn’t included in the offer to tag along. The attack on Planet Daak by the Hive was a military action and Colonel Hammer was all about military actions.
Once inside Allen’s personal room, he motioned for Maalik and Gorvik to take a seat on his couch. They did, and the admiral took a seat in one of the two chairs across a small center table and the couch.
“When did the attack take place and what size was the Hive attack force, Maalik?”
“Does Allen remember that when Colonel Hammer and I attacked the Hive training base and captured one of the Hive species?
“After interrogations, he fell ill and not long after, he died. Just before Science Officer Faadin had completed the alien’s autopsy, a device inside the alien started to glow. First slowly, then it started to pulsate and started blinking.”
Hmm, after interrogations the alien fell ill. Must have been some hard interrogating Allen thought.
“A transponder?” Allen asked.
“Precisely. Less than one complete day afterward, we were attacked.”
“Can you tell me their numbers. I mean, how many Hives.”
“Their numbers, as you say, were three-hundred Hives and once released from the Hive there was more than a ten thousand fighter craft.
“Three hundred Hive nests. Well, that eliminates the command center that we ambushed from being their homeworld. What about King Gaagin and Caid Tikit?”
“My brave uncle and Commanding Caid Tikit stayed to fight until death. I felt the moment our Gracious King, my beloved uncle, took his last life breath,” Prince Gorvik said with his head held high and a cold black stare out of Admiral Allen’s port window.
Maalik and Allen looked at each other without saying a word, as complete silence held court for a few long seconds. Allen stood up and paced back and forth for a few steps, looking every bit like a man in deep thought. Maalik said nothing but kept his focus on his Human friend until Allen stopped pacing and turned to look at Maalik.
“How in the hell did a bunch of damn ants get so technologically advanced? Never mind, don’t answer that. That is a discussion for another time. Burseq Maalik, I should bring in something to eat. We are going to be here until we can gain consistent tactical advances on those son-da-bitches.
“Our futures and our people’s existence depends on tracking them down and consistently eliminating all the Hives we can. The plan will consist of hit and run tactics, which I have plenty of experience doing back on Earth. Space is not that much different. It’s just done in an astronomically huge battlefield.
“Would either of you want a beverage while I have some food brought to us?”
“I would not, Admiral. I would like to see Junal. I will let you two warriors solve the task of succeeding with the mission to totally eliminate the Hive. Once the mission’s conclusion is agreed to, I will return to give you my blessing. Once I have been informed of the plan. Now, if you don’t mind. Junal?”
Admiral Allen paged Ensign Margo Wolski, who was assigned to Junal while she was on Colossus, so she could escort Prince Gorvik to Junal’s quarters. After a few awkward moments, Ensign Wolski presented herself and took the prince to meet with the Venic girl, Junal.
Standing in the elevator and not talking, Wolski gave Prince Gorvik a quick look over and thought I think it wiser if I could have told Junal you were on the ship. She is going to faint. And more importantly, a lady needs time to present herself.
When the ensign and prince were standing at the door of Junal’s quarters, Wolski pressed the intercom button and said, “Junal, this is Ensign Wolski. I have someone interested in seeing y
ou, with me. Are you presentable?”
Gorvik had a lot to learn about the female species as he stood there impatiently tapping his right foot and fidgeting. He was acting a little put out for having to wait thirty seconds or so for the door to open.
Junal pushes the panel to open the door and as usual, she looked beautiful. Gorvik’s heart skipped a beat and for those few precious seconds had forgotten about anything outside his concentration on his one true love’s face.
Though extremely happy and filled with joy as she was to see her prince, she also knew just by looking into his eyes, there was something deeply concerning him. The prince stepped through the opening and stood in front of Junal, only inches away.
Junal bowed only slightly, then looked into her lover’s eyes and without breaking eye contact said, “Thank you, Margo. That will be all.”
Ensign Wolski backed away from the door and within in a second, the panel closed.
Chapter 20
Admiral Allen had moved his meeting with Burseq Maalik to Room Forward. On their way to Room Forward, Allen summoned Vice Admiral Petrov, Colonel Hammer, and Commodore Jeeves to come to the extremely important new mission, dubbed by the admiral, to be named Elimination Hive.
Those that just presented themselves, took a seat and their anticipation of being briefed on Burseq Maalik’s and the Daakie peoples dire situation was palpable.
Admiral Allen spoke: “This meeting is to be regarded as top secret. No one and I mean no one outside of the people in this meeting, with the exception of Prince Gorvik, will discuss what you are about to be privileged to know, as well as, bound by military honor to keep your top secret disciplines. Is that understood?” In unison, everyone said they understood.
The meeting went on for two hours until they took a short recess to use the ship’s facilities, while Allen ordered some finger food and beverages for everyone else. He and the Daakie general had already eaten prior to moving the meeting to Room Forward.