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COLOSSUS_Departure [Book 2] Page 4

  When he was close enough, he fired another ten ion bursts at the Hive, making several explosions everywhere the bursts hit. Just as he made his attack run, he saw his target begin to spin and turn his direction, along with the other nest and the few remaining fighters.

  “Admiral, it looks as if I have made a couple enemies, sir. I’m heading to my pickup point and I would suggest the Striker and Perseus be ready to engage the second they see me on their radars. I will need Captain Sokolov to have the hangar bay open as I will be coming in fast. I can see two nests gaining on me, sir, so make sure everyone is ready.”

  As the Dart closed in on the Perseus, the Striker fired a volley into the oncoming fighters and made quick work of them. Jeeves flew into the hangar bay of Perseus, then it and the Striker took off to the ambush point with the two massive rotating star-shaped nests less than ten miles behind.

  As Admiral Allen watched the two large Hive nests fly into the ambush site, he thought just as I thought, they are arrogant.

  “To all ships, open up on them.”

  The nest’s shields were down as they began expelling their fighters by the hundreds. The trailing nest began taking a serious amount of damage as the two Battlecruisers and four of the Daakie Zurguts began pounding it. Several of the damaging hits must have disabled their shields, as they came on for an instant as a few of the shots showed up as bright green orbs, then the next second the hits began impacting the nest again.

  Seeing the nest was in trouble, Caid Tikit moved his Zurgut out of formation and flew at the wounded Hive nest. The Zurgut slowed at 1500 feet from the ailing nest and fired some type of weapon that glowed a bright blue as it headed for its target.

  Tikit turned the Zurgut sharply and powered his ship up a notch to allow him to get away from the impending blast of the weapon he just fired. The weapon hit the nest center mass and the nest blew into a thousand pieces. With their nest gone, the one hundred or so alien fighters had nowhere to return to and were easy targets for the firing Zurguts and Battlecruisers.

  The first Hive nest was not without its own powerful energy weapon and when Burseg Maalik saw the nest stop spinning, he knew it was making ready to fire its powerful weapon. Maalik had witnessed the power of their weapon a few times in the past and commanded the Zurguts it was aiming at, to engage their shields.

  Though Admiral Allen hadn’t witnessed the power of the nest weapon before today, he knew it was about to fire its main weapon because it disengaged its shields. Just as the weapon fired a large yellow and red ball of energy at the one Zurgut in its sites, Admiral Allen ordered General Dubois to use the Subtle Knife weapon since they were the closest to the Hive nest.

  The Subtle Knife was an energy weapon that ran vertically and could cut any metal it touched in half. The only negative aspect of the knife was it had to be within 1000 feet of its target. Maalik didn’t understand why Colossus was moving so close to the Hive nest and reacted by calling Allen.

  “Admiral, pull-up, you're too close.”

  Then he saw a long, wide, blue line show up at the front of Colossus and was in a state of wonder as the knife cut through the Hive nest. Two seconds later Colossus engaged her shields, and just in time, as the two halves of the nest peeled away, then blew up sending pieces out into space.

  During the continued battle many of the alien fighters had been destroyed but before they could return to their command structure, General Dubois ordered Colonel Hammer, Major Hoser, Captain Teasor to their respective hornets for mop-up duty. Nothing could have pleased Jak more than to finally get into the action.

  At the same time, Lieutenants Baffy and Cargon were working the ion cannons on the USC Striker and Perseus. Twenty minutes after the Hive nests were destroyed, Colonel Hammer and company had disposed of all the remaining alien fighters and were ordered back to Colossus.

  Two of the Zurguts received minor damage from the projectiles fired from the Hive fighters, as did Colossus, but they were minimal. In celebration of a well-planned ambush, all executive officers of the Colossus and those commanders of the Zurguts were standing in the large hangar bay of Colossus, waiting on Admiral Allen to make a toast as he had ordered a special unexpected libation to be poured into each man’s chalice.

  When the two Ensigns finished pouring the liquid, they stepped back and waited for the toast. Each had big smiles on their faces, watching the Humans and Daakie in their celebratory moods.

  “I have chosen a special drink for all you brave warriors, except for you Commodore, since you do not require liquids. Several of you will never taste a better liquor than what is in your cups. Our Daakie friends know it to be their Yuklin and I couldn’t think of a more appropriate drink to toast our combined victory over the Hive than this.”

  Allen raised his chalice and said, “Salute.” Everyone repeated the word then drank all of their drink. Major Hoser, Captain Teasor, and Lieutenants Baffy and Cargon all coughed after swallowing the Yucklin, which their superiors and the Daakie enjoyed watching them do. They had not tasted the fine Daakie beverage before and were unaware of the kick it contained.

  “How did you come by our Yucklin, Admiral,” Tikit asked.

  “One does not become a Supreme Admiral without having a few important connections, Caid,” Allen said with a quick wink intended for Maalik. Maalik stood stoically as if he hadn’t a clue to what Allen was implying.

  “Our combined military efforts this day made all of our futures a little more assured and I will take back this victory to our gracious King Gaakin. I know he will be waiting to hear the outcome and with that, we must plot a course for Daak,” Science Officer Faadin said.

  Caid Tikit reached beneath his battle gear and said before bringing his hand back out, “That is true, Faadin, but before we leave I want to present the King’s Graagoon to Commodore Jeeves for the bravery he showed us all while performing his mission in his flying vessel, the Dart, without any backup and on his own.

  “The King’s Graagoon is a rare achievement in our world and this is the first time it has been presented to a race other than Daakie.

  Caid walked over to Jeeves and pinned the handsome gold medal on Jeeves’s chest, then they clasped each other’s forearms in the customary Daakie handshake.

  “I am most honored, Commander.”

  Burseq Maalik leaned into Vice Admiral Petrov and whispered, “There have only been eight of the King’s Graagoons given to previous recipients in all Daakie engagements in our past. Caid Tiki being one of them. Your Commodore Jeeves must have impressed our illustrious military commander.”

  Though his heart was swelling with pride for his friend, Colonel Hammer thought holy hell. I’m frikin going to be reminded of him getting that damn medal for eons and eons. One more thing, does the Caid always carry a Graagoon around with him?

  Chapter 7

  A full year had passed since the Humans and Daakie teamed up to take down two Hive nests from the Hive command structure. A few executive officers on board Colossus had questioned themselves about the decision to not stay in the area and continue to deplete the Hive command structure of its docked nests.

  The reason they didn’t question Admiral Allen’s and Caid Tikit’s agreement to continue on without continuing the fight was a simple answer, as far as Allen was concerned. His priority was to find a homeworld for the people onboard and for the continuation of the Human Race, not to spend years hunting and destroying the Hive. At least that was Allen’s thought at the time.

  The Daakie military commander informed Allen that his concerns were about the failing health of King Gaakin. Caid secretly wanted the crown but his desires were dashed with the return of Prince Gorvik.

  He knew if he tried to gain control of the kingdom it would lead to an all-out civil war and as frustrated as he was, he didn’t want that for the people of Daak. So with that in mind, he decided to serve his new king, whenever his Grace passes onto the afterlife. If nothing else, he was a loyal Daakie, to the Daakie kingdom, and the next kin

  Tikit had not held this sudden devotion in his mind for very long but a discussion with his right hand, Burseq Maalik, made him see the light. Maalik convinced him Prince Gorvik would need his knowledge, and help, as the boy king grew up to be the man Maalik knew he could and would be. What made the decision a little easier was the fact that Maalik told his Caid, he needed to know he would have to fight him for the throne, and Caid Tikit knew the vast majority of the military would back Maalik should it come to that.

  The USC Colossus had scanned more than forty planets and more than two-hundred moons over the last twelve months with very disappointing results. Allen didn’t need to be told, as he already knew the Colossians on board needed to stretch their legs, so to speak. The one thing he wanted to avoid was any type of uprising on his ship but knew it was a possibility and the subject had been discussed back on Mars with members of the USC.

  So far the people on board had held it together fairly well and the reason for that was they were all told about the possibility of never getting off Colossus during their lifetime. The only saving grace that made the trip a bit easier was the celebrations whenever the masses were informed of pregnancies and new births.

  The USC took a long hard stance on the subject of pregnancies and decided in favor but with one stipulation. A couple could have only one child every ten years, as long as they continued to live on the generation’s ship.

  A heavy price would have to be paid if the ten-year stipulation was not adhered to, and that was the father would be forced to undergo a vasectomy. It was an acceptable punishment among the people as they all agreed the mission would be in danger if too many births took place. It would tax resources such as food, water, and living space as the children grew. During their calculations, the USC did make allowances for those that would eventually perish during their years of travel through the Milky Way Galaxy.

  Colossus was about to come out of hyperspace into a star system known as Kaptin. The system’s star was about the same size as the star in Earth’s Solar System. Colossus came out and immediately slowed to its minimal cruising speed.

  The USC Striker and Perseus came out two seconds later at a position ten miles behind Colossus. On the Striker were Captain Slain, Colonel Hammer, and Commodore Jeeves, which was the normal complement of executive staff. The same was true for the Perseus which was made up of Captain Sokolov, Major Hoser, and Captain Teasor.

  Within a few minutes, the two Battlecruisers pulled up alongside their mother ship. There were eight planets orbiting Kaptin, with three being gas giants in the outer orbits and separating the gas giants and the five rocky planets closer to their star was an asteroid field. Of the five interior planets, two were too close to Kaptin and were classified as hot planets and not suitable for Human life.

  Captain Sokolov and the Perseus were ordered to begin scanning the first planet furthest from the star and its two moons. The planet was a red planet about the same size as Mars. Captain Sokolov was anxious to see what made the planet look red. He did have a suspicion the planet could be volcanic.

  Captain Slain and the Striker were ordered to take the next planet in, and its three moons. The planet was bright green and orange about a third larger than Earth. One of the moons peaked Commodore Jeeves’s interest as it was a light blue moon with patches of white, which indicated it held water and a considerable about of clouds.

  Colossus moved out to head for the largest planet and the last one considered to be orbiting in the Goldilocks zone (Goldilocks meaning not too hot and not too cold to sustain life). The planet was blue-green and white and was twice the size of Earth.

  Immediately upon seeing the planet, Admiral Allen was extremely motivated to quickly begin scanning the planet. Barring any serious negative aspects, it would be a prime candidate for Human colonization.

  Back at the red planet, it only took a half orbit for Captain Sokolov to cross off the planet from the colonization list. His suspicion was correct as the world was filled with active and non-active volcanoes. A large portion of it was a sea of molten rock and that was what gave the planet its red color. He called it into Colossus and Admiral Allen ordered Sokolov back to his position. Sokolov noticed his boss was excited about the planet he and the Colossus were beginning to orbit as he made the remark “Mikail, we may be in luck here.”

  Meanwhile, back on the Striker, there was an argument going on with Slain, Hammer, and Jeeves. Which really wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for the three men.

  “I believe we are supposed to scan the planet first, Commodore. Once we have completed the scan then we can move on to the moons,” Slain said.

  “Aw, come on, Kenner. You have to admit the moon has something we haven’t found on any moon since we started this planet hunt. That being an atmosphere, water, and clouds. You know, the stuff necessary for human life,” Hammer said.

  “I can take the hornet and have the moon scanned by the time you have less than a third of this planet scanned,” Jeeves said.

  “You mean by the time we scan the moon, don’t you, Commodore? Jak asked.

  “Not going to happen, gentlemen. You both know protocol plainly states a Battlecruiser is to be manned by no less than two pilots. Now if you want to test me on that, let me give Admiral Allen a call to see who is right.”

  “Why do you have to always be a party pooper, Kenner. Loosen up a little why don’t ya?” Jak asked.

  “Unlike you, Jak, I didn’t become a captain of a Battlecruiser by going rogue. Besides, I don’t have a general that will go to bat for me if I were to party.”

  “Looks like the moon will have to wait, Jeeves,” Hammer said.

  “You are incorrect, Colonel. It will have to wait for you, not me. I’m this mission’s only science officer and I make the calls on matters of science and going down to that moon is science. So if you gentlemen will excuse me I need to suit up. Captain, take me to the moon, sir.”

  Hammer was steaming but he knew Jeeves was holding all the right cards and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it but thought great, just great. Mr. Science Officer gets to probably be the one that finds a place for us to hang our hat for awhile and I get to stay here with Mr. Protocol.

  Captain Slain loved seeing Colonel Hammer steamed and he was more than happy to drop Commodore Jeeves off at the moon before heading back to start scanning his and Hammer’s target planet.

  When the Striker reached the moon, Slain and Hammer watched as Jeeves left the Battlecruiser and proceeded on an orbital track of the moon. After he completed a scan of the moon, and if he found the readings came back with a breathable atmosphere, he would take the hornet down for a closer look.

  The moon was about the same distance from the large planet as Earth’s moon is from Earth. As the Striker headed back to the planet, Slain said, “I know you're not happy about Jeeves being on his own but you know he can handle most anything and I do hope he finds it to be a possible candidate for us to at least begin a small colonization effort.”

  Hammer didn’t have anything to say so he just stared straight ahead. Slain just concluded that as tough a soldier as Colonel Hammer was, he sure did a good job of sulking when he didn’t get his way.

  Chapter 8

  After only a partial orbit Commodore Jeeves had enough information about the moon’s atmosphere to proceed down onto the moon. He hadn’t mentioned it to Captain Slain and Colonel Hammer prior to leaving the Battlecruiser, that the fact that a moon had an atmosphere, strong enough to allow clouds was practically unheard of in the past world of astronomy.

  Jeeves decided to perform a low-altitude sensor sweep as he flew the hornet at an altitude of 900 feet, so he could visually scan the topography. Jeeves had calculated the hornet had enough fuel for 1057.8 miles before needing to be refueled.

  That distance would allow for only a small area of the moon’s surface to be covered, so he decided to start his task by beginning at the point he entered the atmosphere, where the hornet’s scanner had s
hown a 600 square mile forest. It began at a position forty miles north of his present location.

  While flying to the forest, Jeeves had flown over an area mixed with medium to large black boulders streaked with bright green channels, lying along the bank of a freshwater lake larger than the Great Lakes back on Planet Earth combined.

  The Greatest Lake, which Jeeves aptly named in his mission log, would go in the findings log back on Colossus. It was widely known that discoveries of any significance could be named by the discoverer. He also had first dibs on naming the moon, which he named Commodore's Moon.

  A quick analysis of my named finding is surely going to please my friend Hammer. I’m fairly certain I just performed a sarcastic remark. A realization I’m positive will please the Colonel.


  Captain Slain and a grumpy Colonel Hammer quickly completed scanning the other two moons and began to make way to the large planet the three moons orbited. Kenner knew Jak wouldn’t want to talk about Jeeves’s mission but thought what the hell?

  “I wonder how many wonderful discoveries the Commodore is making as we speed onto our next target.” Jak didn’t reply he just continued staring forward without as much as batting an eye.

  “You know whatever he finds, and it is noteworthy, Jeeves will be able to name it and have it in our mission logs as long as they, and we survive.”

  “They. Who are they?” Jak grumbled.

  “The logs, Jak.”

  “Oh, those. So what’s so great about naming shit. Oh, I know. Naming had to be important way back when. You know what I mean? What kind of world would we have lived in if it weren’t for the lucky guy that was smart enough to look at someone’s shit and said, “I name that a “turd.”