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COLOSSUS_Departure [Book 2] Page 15

  “I’ll run some diagnostics in the meantime,” Jeeves said.

  After twenty minutes of running diagnostics, Jeeves announced there was a fluctuation in one of the Strikers exhaust ports. The test showed the right side exhaust wasn’t discharging at the same rate as the one on the left.

  Hearing that, Colonel Hammer said, “Let’s hope the old gal doesn’t peter out on us. I would hate to be out here dead in the water, so to speak. The Hive could come along and find a dead ship and would probably use us for target practice.”

  The Striker did hold together and after their second week of traveling, they finally reached the Homer System. The crew found Homer to be an odd star system as there were no gas giants, and a total of three planets orbiting the star Homer.

  The planet farthest from the star had a strange gaseous orange colored cloud circling it and the cloud was full of meteors and an occasional asteroid. Commodore Jeeves said it looked as if the planet was still in its infancy, but then thought better of it and said his assumption couldn’t be right.

  Jeeves, being a science officer, asked if they could stop for a while and let him study the planet. He got his answer with all telling him no, much to his displeasure. The Striker’s sensors showed the planet devoid of life, so Captain Slain moved on a heading for the second planet.

  The second planet was a very large avocado green, blue, and white planet, but more than half of it the green color. When the Striker was 5,000 miles from the planet, two ominous cobalt black Aborian Predators had been cloaked and popped up in front of them. The huge warships were twice the size of the USC Battlecruiser. They were immediately hailed by the closest warship.

  Colonel Hammer brought up the communication screen and all were taken aback by the vicious but beautiful creature they saw on the screen. All he could see of the Aborian was from the chest up and immediately knew the alien was female. Her shoulders were covered in battle armor and had a form-fitting black helmet that only allowed the female’s sparkling green eyes and perfectly shaped lips to be shown.

  “You have entered Aborian space. You have the pleasure of communicating with High Mage Cina, War Chief of Abor. Explain who you are and why you are here. If your answer pleases me, I may let you live. If not, we will incinerate your vessel.”

  At a whisper, Hammer said, “Nice welcome, huh?”

  Captain Slain said in his southern drawl, “Sure was, but isn’t she yummy?”

  “We are members of the United Space Consortium from a distant system known as Sol. We mean you no harm. I am Colonel Jak Hammer, Commander of this ship and I am a race known as Human. We have come to the Homer System to talk to Empress Tui Kyno, in regard to a matter of extreme importance.

  “One of the men on this ship is Burseq Maalik, a member of a race known as Daakie. He carries with him the spoken pledge of Empress Tui’s vow to come to the aid of the Daakie should they call upon the Aborians for help.”

  Standing to the right of the Commander speaking to Colonel Hammer, was a high-ranking warrior known among the Aborians as Tage Doni. She whispered to High Mage Cina, “My, my, what a handsome looking alien. I want him for myself. I wager 200 shankels he will father a strong blood female. And if he should father only a male, I will send him to the diamond mines. After I’ve used him up of course.”

  Hammer saw the Commander turn her head and say something to someone standing to the right of her, as he could only see her shoulder, and he couldn’t make out what she said. What Cina said to Doni was, “By the mountain of Orin, you will not have him. That will be up to Empress Katin.”

  The High Mage didn’t say anything for a second or two because she was trying to remember a passage in the history logs of the Aborians that mentioned an alien race named Daakie providing assistance in a battle with her people and the Hive, during the time of Empress Tui’s reign.

  “Our benevolent ruler, Empress Kyno, has long since passed. Our empress now is Empress Katin. But fortunately for you, I recall learning of the Daakie’s assistance long, long ago, which had been logged into our world’s written historical word.

  “I will take you to Abor so you can communicate with our magnificent empress. Shut down all your power with exception of life support, as I will tow you to our world.”

  “Thank you, High Mage Cina. We are shutting down power.”

  The Predator performed a 180 rather quickly and a wide iridescent beam came from the rear of their ship and locked onto the Striker and began towing the ship behind them.

  “I believe they are using an attenuated linear graviton beam technology, Colonel. Isn’t that intriguing?’ Jeeves asked.

  “Yes, Commodore, I have to agree. And to think, I thought tractor beams were just made up for movies of science fiction.”

  Chapter 37

  As the towed Striker was about to be pulled down into Abor’s stratosphere it became obvious to Burseq Maalik the Aborians had strengthened their Space Navy ten-fold since the day King Gaakin had engaged in battle with them against the Hive.

  The space just outside the planet was filled not only with Predator Warships but mixed in with them was a massive carrier big enough to carry ten or more Predators and probably two or three squadrons of fighters the size of the Human’s hornets, if, in fact, they had such fighter spacecraft.

  After the ten minutes it took to get down into Abor’s atmosphere, the crew of the Striker got a first-hand look at an extremely large and spread out city that had to be the Aborian Captial. There were hundreds of towers and various sizes of alien structures.

  Off a few miles from the thriving city was what Colonel Hammer figured to be a military base. When they came closer they noticed a large airfield full of small to large spaceships and a centrally located ship hangar many times larger than the USC ever had, or Daakie.

  High Mage Cina hailed the Striker and ordered them to power up and descend their landing struts. Once the struts were lowered, she sat the Striker down in the middle of a large ring a hundred or so feet from the massive hangar.

  “You may power back down, Colonel Hammer. I will be coming on board shortly, so lower your ramp. Will you comply?”

  “Affirmative, High Mage,” Hammer said.

  “At least the Hammer knows how to properly address his captors. Don’t you agree, Doni?”

  “Yes, and I wager that isn’t all he knows how to do properly.”

  “I am advising you to stop thinking of your vagina, Tage Doni,” Cina said.

  Doni understood her commander meant business when she used her rank in front of her name so she said, “If it pleases the High Mage.”

  Captain Slain lowered the loading ramp and the four men stood near the back of the Striker. When the ramp was completely down they saw two spear holding Aborian warriors mounted on two very vicious and dangerous looking animals. The warriors had one hand grasping a long spear and the other holding reins.

  The creatures were nearly eight foot tall and with bodies like the American buffalo, except twice their size. The had wide heads, five-inch canines, and were outfitted in battle armor including head protection.

  None of the Striker crew moved a muscle and stared at the intimidating creatures. All but Commodore Jeeves gawked at the hot warriors sitting on the big cats too. After standing nervously in the back of the Striker, High Mage Cina and Tage Doni came walking around the side of the Striker and stopped at the end of the ramp.

  High Mage Cina was clothed in all black and Tage Doni in dark gray. Both wore knee-high boots, gloves that covered to their elbows, and skin-tight leggings. Just below their waistline started an article of clothing Human women would wear, is known as a corset. Except the Aborian commanders wore them on the outside, which enhanced their breasts. Both had a long curved blade tucked into their belts.

  Two Aborian females looked to be in fantastic shape with rock hard bodies, and they were a tall female race, standing over six to six and a half feet tall. Both were standing with their feet apart, wider than their shoulders, and their hands
on their curvy hips.

  Tage Doni was drooling as she took in the sight of Captain Slain and knew better to vocalize any sex-related comment, but thought we have to take a raiding party to the Human homeworld and bring back a couple Predators full of these masculine animals.

  Colonel Hammer was the first to begin walking down the ramp to meet the vivacious High Mage Cina, followed by Maalik, Slain, then Jeeves. Before making it to the High Mage, she quickly pulled off her helmet and her long auburn hair fell down over her breasts. Tage Doni did the same and her raven black hair fell over her chest as well.

  Hammer was thinking as he approached Cina damn, I’m having a hard time remembering why we came here.

  Trying his best to keep from letting his eyes fall to her breasts and not sure what was their customary greeting, Hammer gave a curt bow of his head and said, “I’m Colonel Hammer. I am pleased to meet the honorable High Mage Cina.”

  After being chastised by her commander, Tage Doni was shocked to hear Cina say, “Oh, trust me, Colonel Hammer, the pleasure is mine.” Doni couldn’t recall ever hearing the High Mage say anything bordering on flirting with any male in any world the Aborian commander had visited or conquered.

  Cina looked over Hammer’s shoulder and said, “And who, or what is this?”

  Jak turned to see Commodore Jeeves and extended his arm and said, “This is Commodore Jeeves. He is my Science Officer.”

  “He looks nothing like you. What world does he come from?”

  “The Commodore comes from the same world as I. He is an AI, artificial intelligent being.”

  “Very interesting. I must learn more about you, Commodore.”

  “As I would like to learn more about all Aborians, High Mage Cina.”

  “Stay where you are. We are going for a short ride.” As soon as she said it, the entire ring the Striker sat down in the middle of began to sink below the surface, taking all with it, including the Striker.


  King Gorvik, Caid Tikit, and Admiral Allen were standing outside of Command Central peering down into the hangar bay. They were waiting for Captain Sokolov and Burseq Maalik to exit their respective ships.

  Gorvik asked, “Admiral, have you heard anything from Burseq Maalik or anyone else from the Striker?”

  “I have not, Your Grace. But that doesn’t necessarily mean anything has gone wrong. We knew the distance they were traveling to reach the Aborian homeworld would take weeks. If they do send a message it will take at least four or five days for it to reach us and by my calculations, they should have just about reached their destination.

  “I did order them to send a message as soon as they have communicated with the Aborians and I expect to receive such a message within the time frame it takes for it to reach our location.”

  “Ah, here comes Burseq Amiik, and I see Captain Sokolov coming down his ramp as well. Shall we proceed to Room Forward for their debriefing, Admiral?” Caid Tikit asked.

  “Yes, by all means.”

  Chapter 38

  The Striker had been set down on some kind of massive elevator and it took the group down forty feet before coming to a complete stop. The area below contained a dozen Predators in various stages of construction. The High Mage told them to follow her but before he started to walk with the group, Captain Slain said, “I need to inspect the exhaust on the Striker. On our way here we ran into a large group of Hive nests. We were running silent without our sensors and took a couple hits from one of the nests.”

  “You will have plenty of time to inspect your ship, Captain. Now we must hurry, Empress Katin is waiting and our Great Empress hates to wait,” Tage Doni, said

  The group was walking towards a long hallway and Commodore Jeeves made note that the Predators were being constructed by large groups of men dressed only in a loincloth. He paid attention to the fact that none of the men were thin or scrawny. It was obvious to Jeeves that the Aborian females preferred only males with great physical appearance. He couldn’t have known that they were all slaves to their female masters.

  They came to a set of heavy doors that opened when they were about ten feet away. They stepped into what had to be a freight elevator. Once inside, Tage Doni waved her palm over a rectangular lens and the elevator started moving upward. The elevator climbed three stories then stopped and opened to black marble flooring that led to a wide staircase that went to another floor.

  Once on the landing of the floor, the group began walking towards a beautiful ornate black and silver door with two Aborian warriors standing on each side of the door. Captain Slain thought I wonder what Momma would have said if I’d taken one of these beauties home to meet her. I’m pretty sure I know what Pops would have said, God, rest their souls.

  As they walked, Cina said, “Through those doors is the private quarters of our Great Empress Katin. No one speaks unless Our Greatness directs her attention to the individual she wants to talk to. You will all bow to her when first standing in front of her. Fail to remember to bow will cause the offender a considerable amount of pain.”

  Both warriors brought their right fist and forearm across just below their chests in a move that suggested they were saluting High Mage Cina and Tage Doni. Then the warrior on the right opened the big door. Both warriors stared at Commodore Jeeves as he walked past.

  The room was big and very spacious and furnished with beautiful paintings, one very large one of Empress Katin sitting on her throne, a wall of odd weapons, rugs, and a statue of the deceased, Empress Kyno.

  To the left side of the room and centered was a six-foot-tall target resembling an alien creature and the empress had just hit it square in the chest with a throwing knife and was laughing as she turned to a breathtakingly beautiful Aborian female and said, “You’ll never beat me, Mogan.”

  Both females were wearing sheer, sleeveless tops and flowing pants, something akin to pants an Arabian princess would wear somewhere under a massive tent in a desert. The pants were revealing and it was easy to see they had no undergarments on underneath and one could easily see their voluptuous breast barely hidden by their tops.

  The one Empress Katin called, Mogan, had long blond hair down to the middle of her back and the empress's hair was a platinum blonde and was cut extremely short and close to her head. When she turned to look at her newly arriving guests she stared straight into Colonel Hammer’s eyes and a lovely smile spread across her face.

  Jak thought he had just seen an angel in real life. He had never seen such beauty in a woman and was dumbfounded when he looked into her brightest of brightest blue eyes. Prodded from behind, the four men walked the four steps it took to be standing in front of the Empress. All four bowed immediately and waited for Katin to speak.

  The whole time the men walked towards the empress she never once broke eye contact with Jak until he respectfully bowed to her. High Mage Cina noticed her empress’s infatuation with the handsome Colonel Hammer. Her stare didn’t go unnoticed by any in the room.

  She finally looked at the other strangers standing in front of her, and took a step and stood in front of Commodore Jeeves. She leaned up close and sniffed his neck and then his jawline and leaned back and said, “You are, Commodore Jeeves.”

  “Yes, Your Grace.”

  She next stood in front of Captain Slain, looked into his eyes as she reached her right hand and felt of his bicep and said, “You are, Captain Slain.”

  “Yes, Your Grace.”

  Lastly, she stood in front of Burseq Maalik and said, “You must be the Daakie Maalik.”

  “That is correct, Empress Katin.”

  The only one she didn’t say anything to was Colonel Hammer, and took a couple steps back and moved to the center of the four men. She looked over to High Mage Cina and said, “You have done well, Cina,” then looked back at her guests.

  She directed her attention to Burseq Maalik and said, “I’m aware of the pledge our beloved Empress Kyno gave your people. I will listen to what it is you require of the Aborian pe
ople. But it is late in the day and we shall gather when the light of day shows itself to this side of Abor.

  “Tage Dino, take our guests to our visitor’s quarters. Give them food and drink and any other comforts they may require. And Tage, take a little time for Captain Slain to be presented to this evening’s bidders in Parm’s Hall. No winners now. I just want to tease them and see how much the gorgeous captain will bring.”

  “As you wish, my Empress.”

  The four men turned to follow Tage Dino and Slain was wondering, what the hell is bidder’s hall and why me?

  Halfway to the exit door, Empress Katin said, “Not you, Colonel Jak Hammer.”

  Jak stopped and turned back to face the empress and she said, “Leave me, Mogan. I wish to spend some time with Colonel Hammer.”

  “But, my Empress. You may not be safe with this, what were they called? Oh, yes, this Human.”

  “Mogan, do you doubt if your empress can defend herself? You do know I defeated the best warriors we have in the Ring. Do you recall any warrior that beat me? Do you remember anyone ever beating me.”

  “No, my Empress.” Mogan bowed and turned to walk out, but as she did her eyes shot daggers when she looked at Jak. He didn’ t misinterpret how she felt about him being alone with her empress.

  Jak walked back and stood in front of Katin and looked deeply into her mesmerizing blue eyes. She moved closer to him and as she did with Jeeves, she smelled his neck and jawline, then made a purring sound such as a feline would make.

  She moved only inches away and took his hand and said, “Follow me, Jak. May I call you Jak?”

  “I would be honored, Empress Katin.”

  “We are alone, Jak, you don’t need to address me as empress when it is just you and me. You may use my first and it is, Kish.”

  “I admire your first, Kish.”

  “Now come with me to my private chamber. I would enjoy bathing with you and I want to tell you a secret. Can you be trusted to keep my secret?”